The Apple Pie Project: English

This months Apple Pie Project goes to my home country, England. Although the apple pie is seen as an American symbol, in England it is an historic dish which has been eaten for centuries. The British apple pie also has many differences to it’s American counterpart. Instead of a super sweet filing, the English pie is more tart and sour with a hint of sweetness, using good old large cooking apples, such as the Bramley. This apple is a vibrant green, the size of a fist (or larger), sour and juicy. Once the Bramley apple has been cooked its keeps a more stable form, rather than turning mushy, being hailed the apple ‘King of Covent Garden’.

I have decided to use a very famous British cookery writers recipe to illustrate the quintessential  English apple pie. Mrs Beeton produced a very famous Victorian book on how to run the perfect household, and within it holds a wonderful collection of recipes, with useful hints and tips. Her apple pie recipe is simple, straight to the point and flawless, which for me represents traditional English cookery at its best. I also recommend every cook to own the book. (^-^)


Filed under The Apple Pie Project

5 responses to “The Apple Pie Project: English

  1. zhianriverreed

    Hello Michael–What a great blog you have! I love it and am currently jealous of the pictures. I’ll be getting a real camera soon.

    You brought back memories of my time in England. A bramely apple pie: I drool as I remember. Keep up the good work. I’ll be checking in and probably talking about you and your project as well!

    All the best,

  2. Samantha

    Hi Michael,

    I got onto your website through my friend Zhian, who’s a cordon bleu chef living in LA. I love the look of your apple pie, just like the ones my auntie used to bake for Sunday lunch in Oxford when I was growing up. We had an Egmont Russet tree in the garden and used those apples as well as Bramleys and Coxes. Have you tried those?

    Like your blog.



    • Hello Samantha, Thanks for your lovely message. I actually have a Egremont Russet apple tree in my garden… so delicious!
      Thanks for visiting my blog (^-^)


  3. thesockgarden

    It’s breakfast time right now – would it be wrong to eat apple pie at 8 o’clock in the morning!? It looks divine.
    I have you on my choice of favourite blogs for a Sunshine Blog Award 🙂

    4 Sunshine Blog Awards

  4. Pingback: Recipe Round-Up: February | Yummies In Our Tummies!

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